Rod Rosenstein Will Leave the Justice Department in Mid-March

Rod Rosenstein
by Chuck Ross


Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein plans to leave the Justice Department in mid-March, agency officials told news outlets Monday.

A Justice Department official said that Rosenstein’s departure is not related to a controversy surrounding his alleged offer to wear a wire during conversations with President Donald Trump, according to CNN. Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe claimed in an interview that aired Sunday that Rosenstein broached the idea of wearing a wire to the White House in May 2017, days after James Comey was fired as FBI director.

McCabe also claimed that Rosenstein suggested using the 25th Amendment to remove Trump from office. Rosenstein has disputed McCabe’s claims, saying that he was being sarcastic about wearing a wire.

Rosenstein was reportedly planning to leave the Justice Department soon after William Barr’s confirmation as attorney general. Barr was confirmed by the Senate on Feb. 14.

Rosenstein planned to remain in office to ensure a smooth transition from Matthew Whitaker, the former acting attorney general, to Barr.

According to CNN, the Justice Department could announce a replacement for Rosenstein as soon as this week.

Rosenstein appointed Robert Mueller special counsel on May 17, 2017, around a week after Comey’s firing. He oversaw the probe because former Attorney General Jeff Sessions had recused himself from Russia-related matters.

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Chuck Ross is a reporter at Daily Caller News Foundation. Follow Chuck on Twitter.













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2 Thoughts to “Rod Rosenstein Will Leave the Justice Department in Mid-March”

  1. Milt

    Rosenstein is a modern day equivalent of “Boss Tweed”. He is the Insurance Policy mention in the Peter Strzok and Lisa Page text messages, he convince Jeff Sessions to recluse himself removing control DOJ control from the Trump Cabinet. He is appointed a special counsel, who selected Clinton Donors as investigators. Used a phony documents to obtain special warrants to spy on Americans. He does need to be fired he needs to be relocated from DOJ to the Jail Ceils of a Prison.

  2. Silence Dogood

    Rosenstein is being fired. America should celebrate to removal of this arrogant fascist from our National Police force, the FBI. Thank you President Trump. MAGA
